Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Big Explosion & Grants Farm

Yesterday Todd had the day off in observance of 4th of July so we made plans to go to Grants Farm with our friends the Hamiltons. Unfortunately we were over an hour late to meet them because Hadley had an outrageous poop explosion. It was beyond belief. It started with pee all over her changing pad. It ended with green poop on the changing pad, the carpeting, Todd, all of the lotions in her basket, her kleenex box, the lamp shade, and the wall. It was even behind her dresser! It's hard to explain exactly what happened but what I will say is that this type of situation can only occur when you have no diaper covering a pooping baby that decides to do her business with a spray-like force! It's a good thing we had a good sense of humor about it because it was a crazy situation. Here is a picture of Todd after all was said and done!

Once we got everything washed, cleaned and Hadley bathed we were able to meet Dawn, Jason, Kylie and Reagan for Grants Farm. We had a great time and really enjoyed seeing Kylie and Reagan enjoy all the animals. Hadley was great and cruised in her stroller the entire time. We are looking forward to more outings like these as Hadley grows up!

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