Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monumental Night!!

There is no picture to accompany this post but it's important nonetheless. Hadley slept through the night last night! We went to see Dr. Skoultchi on Tuesday and he gave us the all clear to let HER wake us up instead of us waking her for feedings during the night. Of course Tuesday night she decided to sway from character and she was up at 1:15, 4:30 and 5:45. Last night, however, was different. We gave her a bottle at 9pm, got her into bed at 10:15 (while she was still drowsy) and she did not feed again until 5 am!! Not only did she sleep through the night, she got herself to sleep and when she stirred a few times during the night, she soothed herself and went back to sleep.

I have to say that it still wasn't my best night's sleep since I was a little freaked out that she didn't wake up but it was definitely better than being up for at least an hour during the wee hours of the morning. Thank God for sleepy babies and I pray that this continues!!

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