Sunday, July 10, 2011

We Heart Chicago!

This past week we took a little trip to Chicago. Hadley did a great job traveling in the car especially thanks to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Toy Story and Finding Nemo which played on the DVD player.

While we were in Chicago we went to the Disney Store, American Girl (where we got a Bitty Baby named Renee), Shedd Aquarium and a boat tour on the Chicago river. We also had some Giordano's pizza and Potbelly sandwiches. All in all, Hadley loved Chicago or Cago as she called it and wants to go on another trip soon!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Transportation Museum, Finally!

Back in May we tried to take Hadley to the Transportation Museum for her birthday. Unfortunately, the day we went was still on the winter schedule and we missed the train schedule. We decided to postpone our visit until another date and today was that day!

It was a perfect time! We had plenty of time to catch the tram and then the train and to tour the museum. Hadley was very impressed with the old cars and trains and ran up & down yelling "ooh, what's that? Cho-cho!!"

Afterwards we took her to lunch and she ate A LOT! I guess all that running around made her hungry. Here are some pictures of her at the museum and at lunch.

Happy 4th of July

Hadley decided the 4th of July is a holiday to go total Diva! She decided to rock the day with her red/white Cardinals dress, purple tutu and Todd's navy blue slippers. Plus, she rode her pink horse. I mean, if this doesn't say Happy Independence, nothing else will!

Circus Flora

In June, our firm sponsored Circus Flora and ticket prices were extremely cheap for associates and their families. We decided to take Hadley to her first circus and overall it was a success! She really loved all the tricks that the animals did and mom & dad liked the acrobatics! Here is our family picture outside of the circus since pictures were not allowed inside.