Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hadley Standing

Hadley has very strong legs from all the jumping she does at school every day. Tonight she stood for the first time. She got an activity table for Christmas from daddy and she got so excited about all the stuff on it that she just stood up! We were so proud of her but her face shows how proud SHE is of herself!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Cutie

Hadley had a great 1st Christmas and she made out like a bandit! She got everything from her first chair to a piano, to tub toys and an Elmo airplane from her Aunt Aly and Uncle Rob. She has so much fun playing with everything!

She is also quite fascinated with opening presents. She now believes that anything wrapped is solely for her and that she should rush over and attempt to open it. Her 1st birthday should be a lot of fun!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mommy's Birthday Party

This weekend we celebrated a 30th birthday but you would never know it because Hadley stole the party with her cuteness! Here are some cute pictures of her being a princess and driving a car!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We're Back!!

Ok, so I have been a VERY bad blogger! We ran out of space on our blog for loading new posts and between the selling of our house, the move and the holidays I am just now getting around to getting things back online. So . . . here are some pictures over the last couple of months to get everyone caught up on Hadley's beauty! :)