Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Love Baby Crocs!!

Hadley has new shoes and they're pink baby crocs! So cute!!

Hadley's 1st Cards Game

Last night we went to the Cardinals game thanks to one of grandma's clients! Hadley had a great time and really enjoyed looking around at the people. We took her cousin Lauren too which made for a great night of family, fun and baseball!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Cereal

Tonight Hadley tried rice cereal for the very first time and she LOVED it!!! The doctor warned us that she may gag and spit a little but that was not the case. At first she just kinda moved her mouth around but about halfway through the bowl she started fussing if we did not get it into her mouth fast enough! I guess she was ready for cereal! She ate almost the entire bowl (2 tablespoons) and a 4oz bottle! What a little piggy! Here are some cute pics of her with it all over her face!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Playtime with Nana

Today Nana came over to see Hadley. She was quite amazed by how quickly she can roll over! Hadley gave her lots of smiles and cuddles and of course some drool! Nana also bought her a musical set of stacking rings for Hadley to drool on later. Nana is notorious for buying ALL of her grandchildren musical/noise-making toys so we're not surprised that Hadley has already started receiving them. Christmas will be a fun, fun time! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jumping . . .well, kinda

Hadley's newest favorite is her entertainer/jumper. She doesn't really jump but she does like to "stand" and drool all over the toys! It's also a great way for her to watch t.v.! What a Kendall!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Poney Tail After Effects

A few days ago I posted some pics of Hadley with her new hairdo . . .the poney tail. Today we present, the after effects! It's a mix of Elvis, "There's Something About Mary" and bedhead that somehow looks scary and cute at the same time!

Hugging the Monkey

Ok, so the title sounds a little disgusting but trust me it's all clean! :) Hadley has a sock monkey and today she had a great time eating which is what she does with all her toys these days. Todd and I think sock monkeys are scary little toys but she seemed to really enjoy him and was laughing and talking to him the whole time she was biting him!

When she got tired, she fell asleep on the couch hugging him so we took a picture. Now this is cute!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Relaxing On a Saturday Night

Today we spent all day as a family. It was great! Tonight we barbequed some steaks, had a little wine and relaxed while we watched a movie. Hadley definitely got into the swing of things by doing some relaxation too!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Poneytail!!

Even though Hadley has had tons of hair since birth, the most we've been able to do with it is put in a bow or a headband. Today we tried a poneytail and it lasted all day at school! Now that her hair is LONG and THICK, a poneytail will be a more frequent hairdo!

More Bumbo Time

Hadley is really getting good at sitting in her bumbo seat! Grandma got her a tray so now she can play with toys while she sits! Thanks Grandma!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Three Months Old!!

Today is Hadley's 3 month birthday! She is getting to be so big and we just love her so much!

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day of School

Today was Hadley's first day of school (aka daycare). She did a great job and mom & dad survived! Here are some pictures of her before we left this morning.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sittin' & Rollin' Over

Hadley is getting to be quite active! This past Thursday she rolled over for the very first time and Daddy was able to see it happen! She has done it a handful of times since. She does it from back to tummy and from tummy to back. What a smart girl!

Hadley has also gotten quite strong with her neck. She's great at sitting on our laps or on the couch. Tonight we tried the bumbo seat and she did pretty well.