Sunday, May 31, 2009

Growing Up So Fast!!

Hadley's belly button stub has finally fallen off so we're able to give her more tummy time now. She also really likes being on our shoulders and showing us how she can hold her head up. She only does it for a few seconds but we can't believe how big she's getting!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mommy & Daddy's Anniversary

Today, May 27, is mommy & daddy's anniversary. They have been married for 3 years! Mommy & I met daddy for lunch at Bravo and I wore a special dress to show everyone how cute I am! Happy Anniversary, mom & dad!

The Wichards Come to Visit

On Tuesday, the Wichards came to visit baby Hadley! Walt did not have much interest in seeing her and only gave us about 2 seconds to take a picture. I don't blame him. She's not as fun as toys or running around for a 20 month old.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Swing Works!

Today is day 3 of Hadley being with her mom all day. We are slowly but surely figuring things out and getting into a routine. The last 2 nights, Hadley has slept for 5-6 hours straight and has had to be woken up to eat. That is great!! We are also establishing a morning and afternoon nap schedule (kinda) which is helping both Hadley and her mommy!

We have also discovered that she likes her swing that Aunt Lisa & Aunt Dawn got her. Sometimes she falls asleep in it but today she is awake and actually enjoying it and the music.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Already a Football Fan

Anyone that knows Todd knows that he is a HUGE sportsfan. He is really looking forward to sharing his love of sports with his daughter since her mommy only has so much patience for it. Pictured below is Hadley sleeping in what we call the "football formation." She looks like she just scored the winning touchdown! This is how we know she's really asleep.

The Photo Shoot

This weekend, Aunt Lisa came over to take pictures of Hadley for her announcement. It was VERY professional! Aunt Lisa brought her sophisticated camera and even sun shades to really get good light effects. Hadley was a great model and was only fussy a little bit. Enjoy some of the pictures that we did not pick for her announcement. Thanks again Aunt Lisa!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Special Dress & a Big Day Out

Today we had our first doctor's appointment with Dr. Skoultchi. Hadley was so good! She just smiled the whole time even though we had to strip her down to the diaper. Dr. Skoultchi said that she has gained almost an entire pound since last Friday! She has definitely been eating well! Everything else looks great and she's good until next month's visit.
After Skoultchi, we all went to lunch at Red Robin's, one of mom & dad's favorite places. We thought it would be a nice test to see if she really can sleep through noise since it's not a quiet restaurant. Hadley slept the entire time! We also did some shopping at Sam's and she got her first stroller ride.
Today Hadley is wearing a special dress. It was one of her mommy's when she was a baby and later it was used to dress many Cabbage Patch kids. It was so much more fun to dress Hadley in it than any doll! A big thank you goes to Grandma Melody for saving mommy's clothes for 30 years so that one day her daughter could wear them too!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Many Visitors!

Hadley is so lucky to have arrived in a world with so much love! We have had so many visitors over the past week both at the hospital and the house. Although she has slept through most of the visits, Todd & I are so happy to have everyone come and admire our little cutie! Here are some people that have visited!

Aunt Lisa, Jenny Emerson & Bob Wichard

Uncle Mitchell & Aunt Colleen

Aunt Alyson, Uncle Rob & Lauren

Grandma Melody & Nana Sidney

The Moyichs, Hamiltons & Kaminskis

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ryan Comes to Visit!

Today, cousin Ryan came to visit! Yeah!

Mother's Day 2009

Hadley arrived just in time for Mother's Day and she was the best present ever! The day was very relaxing. Uncle Rob & Aunt Alyson came by with Lauren & Keira and dropped off a funny wine glass to celebrate the fact that Paige can now drink.

In the afternoon, Uncle Mitchell & Aunt Colleen brought a delicious lunch from Clancy's and Grandma & Nana came over to celebrate too! Hadley slept through most of the day's events but everyone enjoyed seeing her anyway!

A Headband of Cuteness!!

Hadley has so much hair that she came out needing a haircut! Here is a cute picture of her sleeping with one of her headbands in!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hadley in the House!

Hadley Ann Kendall was born on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 11:39 p.m. at St. John's Mercy hospital. She weighed in at 8.0 lbs and is 21 3/4 inches long.

This blog is dedicated to Hadley by her mom & dad who will use it to keep all her friends and family updated as she grows!